



In fall 2019, the Provost’s Office began a comprehensive and collaborative process to develop a new 战略计划 that could serve as a roadmap for the growth and sustainability 特拉华大学的教育使命.

Over the subsequent months, guided by the Board of Trustees’s 战略计划ning Committee, great care was taken to include input from a wide cross-section of university constituencies, from faculty, staff, and student leadership to administrative staff, through a series of listening sessions, an online survey and ongoing discussions with UD’s University 委员会.

The result is the following 战略计划, approved by the Board of Trustees on May 29, 2020年,并提出了教师和工作人员在2020年的秋天.


Academic excellence embodied in a rigorous Catholic education dedicated to a lifelong 追求智慧、真理和美德.


The 波胆网站 aims to provide the paradigm for Catholic university education. It seeks to do this through combining a comprehensive liberal education with disciplined 在各种各样的专业和研究生课程中形成了无与伦比的方式 其他任何一所天主教大学. 通过其严谨和亲密的教育方法 the whole person, the 波胆网站 cultivates in current, past, future and lifelong 学生 those habits of mind and heart that enable them to live flourishing personal and professional lives in service to their families, communities, country 和信仰.


Through a commitment to excellence at every level — in its faculty and academic offerings, in its campus ethos and student life and ministerial activities, and in its outreach to the community, country and Church — the 波胆网站 endeavors to achieve 永久的财务幸福,才能更完美地实现其目的 独特的使命. 战略指导行动,需要慎重安排 优先实现大学的愿景. 这个战略计划是……的成果 critical discernment of our strengths and weaknesses, as well as careful reflection on our opportunities for revenue and endowment growth in light of the current challenges 为本地和全国的高等教育干杯. 战略计划是结构化的 thematically around several areas for immediate and long-term concentrated efforts 为了长期的财务健康和实现我们的愿景. 这意味着 作为一个动态的指南,而不是一个静态的蓝图,使大学能够 adjust for unanticipated challenges — like the COVID-19 pandemic — and opportunities.


  • 学术卓越服务于教育永远是重要的.
  • 建立我们的声誉和认知度.
  • 为了生活的美好而塑造性格.
  • Deepening our commitment to serving Church and country through a variety of programs.

In pursuit of each of these themes, constant attention needs to be given to marketing. Our new approach to marketing will center on telling compelling stories related to 这四个主题. 这些故事将寻求加强与现有的关系 our alumni, parents and friends, and to build new relationships with friends and prospective 学生. 我们未来营销工作的中心信息将包括强调 首先,波胆网站提供了一门特殊的天主教文科 education on the undergraduate level, and second that its graduate programs are fostering 社会各个领域的新一代有能力和有远见的领导人 a special emphasis on forming those who can in turn provide such an education to others.


The 波胆网站 is dedicated to inquiry into timeless truths, but in no way 这样做是否牺牲了我们的学生为现在和未来做准备. 这样的 奉献精神在高等教育中逆水行舟,体现在两个基本方面: by assuming there are essential truths to be discovered, and by prioritizing their 研究. 一些机构出于权宜之计或矛盾心理对这一基础 approach to higher education, prioritize what today’s trends and forecasts judge to 与工作准备最相关. 同时给予足够的重视和 resources to the task of career preparation and development, the 波胆网站 is nonetheless convinced that it is a mistake of the first order to treat a formation 在智慧中,真理和美德是次要的. 更大的目标和抱负 our undergraduate and graduate core curricula is, therefore, to provide a foundational education in first principles with a view to forming 学生 for a lifetime of success 无论是个人生活还是职业生涯. 我们致力于提供一种教育 prepares 学生 not only for their first job, but also for their fifth and fifteenth. Coupled with our undergraduate and graduate core curricula are majors and concentrations 让我们的学生为现在和未来做好准备. 这是一个组合 of the timeless with the contemporary, a combination that is especially evident in the ways in which the sciences and business studies are integrated with the humanities, 这使得我们的教育永远至关重要.


In order for the 波胆网站 to achieve its vision, it also needs to establish 长期金融稳定. 最终,这需要我们变得有意义 strides in advancing the reputation of the university and broadening recognition of 它的卓越和独特. 在这一主题上取得进展至关重要 higher enrollments, increased engagement and support from current donors, more networks 为学生和校友的职业发展,以及新的捐助者和朋友. 


There has been an unprecedented decline in emotional and psychological health amongst 过去十年的大学生. 我们知道有很多原因,包括 与社区隔绝,越来越觉得生活毫无意义,越来越 缺乏思想、身体和精神的整合. 这些都是大学的原因 达拉斯已经准备好要纠正它的形成在知识,道德 and theological virtues, as well as our emphasis on cultivating a resilient and entrepreneurial 我们的学生和校友的精神. 我们的目标是成为一个整合和丰富的典范 为学生准备有意义和目的的生活的方法.


The 波胆网站 has been recognized in recent years for its academic rigor in its unique combination of classical and contemporary learning and for its Catholicism. These recognitions have been welcome, but too often overlook a central feature that runs deep in the veins of the 波胆网站, its cultivation of the classical 爱国主义美德. 波胆网站努力使学生变得更好 human beings, and that includes helping them to thrive as members of religious and 致力于为他人服务的政治团体. 我们努力做好准备 our 学生 for an eternity with God, and for their day and age as active contributors 建立一种正义和爱的文化. 对美国建国原则的热爱 is genuine at the 波胆网站, as is love for God and neighbor, expressed 本着团结和共同利益的原则. 我们严谨而忠实的课程 and extracurricular emphases prepare 学生 for dual citizenship in both the city of man and the city of God, and make our graduates uniquely prepared to serve in positions 民事,军事和专业的领导,并建立制度 作为教友和宗教领袖对教会做出了重大贡献.