


UD and all individuals associated with the university are bound by any applicable 地方,州和联邦法律. The university academic units comply with all of the requirements of the Family Educational Rights & 隐私法(FERPA). UD使每一个 reasonable effort to protect the privacy of student sensitive personal 信息 无论交付方式如何. For assessments, Turnitin will be integrated into the 学习管理系统. Any work a student submits is subject to analysis and 档案内的抄袭数据库. The Registrar, academic unit admissions and records employees are the points of contact for all FERPA related issues. 教师 and Staff are informed and trained of their responsibilities concerning FTC red flag rules and the reasonable steps required to avoid identity theft and release of confidential 信息. 


Credentials for UD online learning access are assigned to registered students and all are required to adhere to the Terms of Use for the online classroom. 行政 access is only granted to designated staff members and all users must abide by the 在线学习课堂使用条款. No 信息 is provided concerning class content and student 信息 to anyone other than the teaching faculty, the individual student affected, approved administrators and individuals approved by the academic 院长办公室.

The identity verification process protects student privacy through use of a secure 网关(明亮的空间由D2L). A secure login is provided along with an encrypted password managed by the student once the student is registered appropriately for a specific term.


教师 should adhere to the privacy rights outlined from the academic units around student rights and 信息 supporting Family Educational Rights & 隐私法 (FERPA). No grade 信息 or student personal data should be released outside the secured online classroom or the registrar’s office unless there is a student signature 授权放行. In addition, all university employees should follow the Acceptable Use Policy outlined by the Information Technology Department to ensure a collective effort for effective 信息 security.


To maintain confidentiality, students are provided password reset 信息 to their assigned university email once they are officially registered in the appropriate semester. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain confidentiality in regard to passwords and to follow the 在线学习课堂使用条款.

只工作提交到开放的论坛(如. Threaded discussion, group chat areas) may 被其他学生访问. Assignments, grades, feedback and correspondence are 其他类成员不可见.


波胆网站提供 online classroom and all related materials and assessments (collectively the “University of Dallas Online Delivery Method”) solely for your educational purposes, subject to the following terms and conditions and the sole discretion of the 波胆网站.  The University may modify these terms and conditions at any time by updating the Terms of Use before the start of a semester. 

Your access to the 波胆网站 Online Delivery Method is for your use only 完成课程要求.  Any use of the 波胆网站 secured site and the content not related to the fulfillment of class deliverables is prohibited, including but not limited to business venture proposals.  分发给他人 or posting them online may be a violation of the University's Copyright Policy and US copyright law, and may be subject to sanction.

Video Content provided in the Online Delivery Method is copyrighted.

For a course developed in a hybrid or online format in response to the COVID crisis:

The 波胆网站 faculty member who created this course owns all copyrights and other intellectual property in the recorded or online videos provided in the platform. 大学社区的成员 may not reproduce, distribute, display publicly, perform, digitally transmit or prepare derivative works based upon this copyrighted 未经业主许可擅自工作.

For a traditional online course developed under a Course Expert/Development Agreement:

The 波胆网站 owns all copyrights and other intellectual property in the recorded or online videos provided in the platform. 大学社区的成员 may not reproduce, distribute, display publicly, perform, digitally transmit or prepare derivative works based upon this copyrighted work without permission of the University.

Your credentials (login ID and password) for access to the online classroom should 不得以任何理由与任何人分享.  This includes backup of your credentials, entry into the online site or completion of course requirements, assignments or assessments.  In no event will the 波胆网站 be liable to you for any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of your use or inability to use your 证件或提供的材料.  Infringement of these terms will result in 学术评论.